Humboldt II

Our First Video.

Song List

About Us

Band Practice

Chelan pics & Video's

Fan Stuff

Allan Hotel 100 year Anniversary.

Brat Thumbnails

Gigs From Everywhere



Brat Myspace

Brat on YouTube.

Freedom Sound

Humboldt II

Moose Jaw

Tisdale Pics

Kickin @ss in Churchbridge

Brat Guest Book

Contact us


This was really strange weekend that was an emotional rollercoaster. The girls from the stagette were awesome and even the future bride's mother got into the action and was doing the "Buck a suck" thing on Dean, our imaginary soundman. All of us in the bed is NOT how we slept that night and you can see in some of the other photo's: Steven after falling through the fold out bed, feeding Dean a beer while he's sleeping, our manager getting smooched, and Murray getting forced into doing something he hates.