
Our First Video.

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Allan Hotel 100 year Anniversary.

Brat Thumbnails

Gigs From Everywhere



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Freedom Sound

Humboldt II

Moose Jaw

Tisdale Pics

Kickin @ss in Churchbridge

Brat Guest Book

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Load up time

Some of these were taken the next day when we were packing up.

Toque's are us!

This is the headgear we were wearing the night before. I guess they looked better in the dark!

Candice and Robbie

Candice has been at just about every show for the past few months and Robbie has known Ryan and Steven for years.


Murray and 1-900. Looks like he's pointing at something, but we don't know what.

Circus in Town?

It looks like we're traveling with the friggin circus for christ sake!

"Take your order sir?"..."Yes, I'll have three!"

"Yeah, get me a Labatts lite and two more!

School of Rock

Murray always takes the time to talk to the "Fans".