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Allan Hotel 100 year Anniversary.

Brat Thumbnails

Gigs From Everywhere



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Brat on YouTube.

Freedom Sound

Humboldt II

Moose Jaw

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Kickin @ss in Churchbridge

Brat Guest Book

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Stuff you may not know.

Here is a list of some stuff you may not know about us and some of the shows we've played.

The History

Worst show ever- Invermay.

Loudest singers- Saltcoats

Most people we've played to- Around 1000.

Prettiest waitresses- Humboldt

Smallest bar- Hendon hotel

Most Nurses we've seen in one place- Wadena Hospital christmas party.

Show we should have never played- CI in Yorkton ( Where they like both kinds of music, Country and Western!).

Loudest floor stompers- Carragana fair dance.

First time seeing a Beaver in a glass case- Porcupine Plain.

Most haunted hotel- Preeceville (Don't stay in the room where the guy hung himself!).

Wildest Hockey team and wildest girls- Canora.






Personal Stuff

-Ryan had to learn 40 songs in three days when he first joined the band.

-Steven and Murray almost got in a fight with two kids after a show in Viscount.

-Sometimes we end up taking 3 or 4 vehicles to one show.

-Ryan claims Murray and Stevens lives are like a "Soap Opera".

-Steven smashed a guitar onstage in Kuroki.

-Ryan kicked over his drums at a wedding dance.

-Everyone has quit this band at least 3 times.

-Ryan never has any smokes.

-Murray takes a full "Beauty Parlour" with him on the road.

-Steven has fallen off the stage at least 4 times.

-We like to watch curling Saturday afternoons in the hotel room.

-Murray and Ryan love to sleep on heat registers (Not together of course).

-If this band were a family, Ryan is the Dad, Murray is the Mom, and Steven is Dennis the Menace.

-The best time is 30 minutes till we play,  up in the room, having a drink, putting on our Brat "Costumes" and putting on all the tape, wristbands, and tensor bandages to hold us together.

- "Hag" and "Kitty" are two nicknames we have for each other.

-Ryan can drink almost anyone under the table.

-Murray can smoke almost anyone under the table.

-Steven and Murray are the most sensitive (This is where the Soap Opera comes into play).

-Ryan could be happy living in a Quonset in Verigin.

-Our favorite road game is pointing to an old shack or culvert and saying "How do you like -----(Insert one of our names) new place! (We know...it's a stupid game).

-Never say to Ryan "That's how I roll!" (he hates it).

-Steven will play anywhere at anytime.

-Murray invented the shower technique "Cowboy in the rain".