Fan Pics

Our First Video.

Song List

About Us

Band Practice

Chelan pics & Video's

Fan Stuff

Allan Hotel 100 year Anniversary.

Brat Thumbnails

Gigs From Everywhere



Brat Myspace

Brat on YouTube.

Freedom Sound

Humboldt II

Moose Jaw

Tisdale Pics

Kickin @ss in Churchbridge

Brat Guest Book

Contact us


Here it some of the stuff that we get sent. If you have a drawing or even a picture of yourself send it in via our Contact us page.








This picture was sent in by Lisa K. If you'll notice, one bowling pin has a Gene Simmons Punisher bass, the other has a Kurt Cobain guitar and on the drum skin is an image of Chris Farley. You can also see our little mascot in the background with the bomb behind his back. Thanks Lisa.












Here is a picture sent to us by Crystal Jerome. Thanks Crystal, but what's Ryan doing with his hand in his front pocket?





Here's a poster idea from 1-900. Can't tell you how she got her nickname, but she's also good at photoshop!